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Online Skype Guitar Lessons

with Kip Brockett

Having trouble reaching your goals with your guitar playing? I am now offering online Skype guitar lessons for beginning, intermediate and advanced players. If you are interested in lessons, the first step is to contact me. I do not accept all requests and reserve the right to decline for any reason. I don’t take on a lot of students, so I’m very particular about who I accept.

If you are interested, please click the “Contact” link in the menu above. Send me a message with your playing level, interests, and anything else you feel is important to include. I will reply back and we will proceed from there for your acceptance.

In order to participate in the Online Skype Lessons, you must have the following:

  • High Speed Internet Connection
  • Webcam
  • Microphone (can be through the webcam)
  • Skype
  • PayPal Account

Pricing is as follows:

  • 30 Minute Lesson – $35
  • 60 Minute Lesson – $65
*Discounts available with multiple lesson purchases. 


  • Bachelors degree in Music with a focus on theory
  • Started teaching guitar in college
  • Taught in Preparatory program through college (Classical guitar)
  • Taught Summer Camps
  • Taught at local music store
  • Ran my own music studio for a short time


Name: Anthony

Age: 48

Playing since: 1983

Originally a classically trained violinist, I started learning the guitar at the age of 13 in 1983.  I never learned the fingerboard properly and as such never put myself into modal theory and scale positions.  After a hiatus of 32 years due to studies and family, I started playing again.  All was well, but my playing was stagnant, and I found myself in a rut.  I knew Kip through YouTube and Facebook and we began talking.  We started doing Skype lessons at the end of October 2018.  After 3 lessons, my playing has opened itself up more, I am working on the modes and scale positions that I never took the energy to learn previously and this has also improved my speed, ear and appreciation of music theory in general – all increasing my musicality.

Kip is a very easy going teacher with a wealth of experience, he listens to you, notices and corrects simple mistakes and sets you challenges just slightly beyond your reach which will improve your technique and ear.

I recommend Kip’s lessons to anyone wishing to embrace this wonderful instrument.